Sunday, January 9, 2011

Movie Review - Buzz and Woody Are Back in Toy Story 3

A long long time ago Disney and Pixar got together and decided to take a whole new twist on animation. Instead of the classic hand drawn animation they decided to have a go at a feature length film that was done completely in CGI. That was all the back in 1995 when the first Toy Story came out. Can you believe its been that long? 15 years later the trilogy is complete after the second installation came out in 1999.

Tom Hanks and Tim Allen are back to reprise their roles as Woody and Buzz Lightyear. The general plot of the movie is that Andy, the boy who owns them is all grown up and about to go college. He rarely plays with toys anymore and all his toys are feeling a little neglected. The adventure starts when they accidentally end up in a day care which is lead by a ruthless purple bear and a scary looking toy baby.

Toy Story is one of those franchises that don't just bank on fancy graphics and visuals. Yes it is in 3D but that's not its main attraction. The plot and storyline for Toy Story has always been solid and Toy Story 3 doesn't disappoint. Its got action, romance, humor and pretty much anything you would want from a movie. My only qualm with the film is that at some parts its a little too cute.

Toy Story 3 takes you on a roller coaster of emotion as well. As you will be laughing, clinging on to the edge of your seat and feeling sad at certain parts. Although I mainly grew up in the video game era and pretty much lost my interest in toys after I started playing Super Mario Bros, watching this movie kind of makes me want to go and find my old Ninja Turtles and Transformers and see what they have been up to.

Watch it in 3D when you need to a pick me up feel good movie and don't mind some cute overload.

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